Digital real estate and vital records contract approved

The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors has approved a contract for digital real estate and vital records.
Supervisors Chair Donna Robinson said the supervisors had a contract to consider and approve from Cott Systems for the digital transfer and hosted online index books.
“This is in conjunction with last week’s vote of approval for ARP funds from the county recorder’s office to convert the records to digital and make them available to be viewed online,” Robinson said.
Cott Systems is also the company handling the digital records for the county auditor’s office, which was also paid for through ARP funding. The supervisors approved the contract with Cott Systems, at a cost of roughly $200,000.
Under the maintenance update, maintenance supervisor Dan Wright said he was planning to make some improvements to the courthouse bell tower.
“I’m planning on seeking bids for metal for the legs of the bell tower, the legs that hold the bell up. I have a feeling that is where they are going to mount the new magnetic striker, and I’ve already replaced one leg, so if I cover them with aluminum, we won’t have to worry about those wooden legs when they do the installation,” said Wright.
Wright also updated the supervisors on the new storage building being built at the Montgomery County Law Enforcement Center. The project was recently approved by the supervisors using American Rescue Plan funding.
“We have the building permit secured, and Sellers Construction of Red Oak has ordered all the materials. In the next couple of weeks, Echternacht Construction will be doing some dirt work, and Sellers plans to get the posts set before it gets cold,” Wright advised.
While some of the materials will be readily available, Wright said they’ll be waiting on a few construction items.
“The doors and some of the equipment are a few weeks to a couple months out, so we might have a building with no doors on it for awhile, but they can’t get them in any sooner, but at least we’ll have a frame, and they’ll hopefully have the concrete laid before it gets too cold,” commented Wright.
Also, Wright advised the supervisors the new sliding doors had been installed at the public entrance of the courthouse, and Midwest Alarms had installed the automatic door locking feature and installed new door sensors for security purposes.
Supervisor Mark Peterson advised the supervisors he attended the Montgomery County Conservation Board meeting, and during its general business, the board accepted the resignation of county conservation director Casey Holmes. Peterson said the board was looking at multiple options as they look for Holmes’ replacement.
“Among what they talked about was the idea of making it two positions, rather than just the one director position, and they are aware that if they proceed with that plan, they’ll need to meet with us during budget time,” Peterson commented.
The next regular meeting of the supervisors is scheduled at 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 4, due to the Nov. 2 election.

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