Accolades Award for the Grand

The Red Oak Historic Preservation Commission presented its Accolades Award to the Red Oak Grand Theatre at a special ceremony Nov. 14. The award is the highest honor the organization can bestow. The decision to give the award to the Grand was unanimously decided by the board, and was given to the theatre not only for its efforts to provide a service to the community, but also for oustanding stewardship and adaptive reuse of the buildings at 410 and 408 Coolbaugh streets. The effords of the Grand Theatre volunteers have given additional years to the two historic buildings, as well as given them new life and purpose while preserving the buildings historical and architectural significance.

The Red Oak Express

2012 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 377
Red Oak, IA 51566
Phone: 712-623-2566 Fax: 712-623-2568

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