Two Montgomery County farm families named to list of environmental leaders by Gov. Reynolds
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Julie Kenney and Department of Natural Resources Director Kayla Lyon will recognize 89 farm families for their environmental stewardship during a ceremony at the Iowa State Fair.
Recipients are from the last two years, including 42 from 2020 and 47 from 2021. Two Montgomery County farms are among the nominees: John and Jill O’Neal, and Jim and Donna Robinson.
The award acknowledges farmers who take voluntary actions to improve and protect the environment and our state’s natural resources while serving as leaders in their farming communities.
These farm families use scientifically-proven practices like cover crops, wetlands, bioreactors and saturated buffers that support the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. The recipients recognize the benefits of conservation practices extend beyond their fields to the residents downstream, and their leadership encourages others to adopt similar conservation practices. The winners were chosen by a committee representing both conservation and agricultural groups.
Since the creation of the Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award in 2012, more than 650 Iowa farm families have been recognized by the governor, lieutenant governor, Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and Department of Natural Resources. A list of previous recipients can be found at
The awards ceremony is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Aug. 18 at the Oman Family Youth Inn.