White updates board on VA’s recent activities

Veteran’s Affairs administrator Curtis White is continuing to settle into his role as the county’s coordinator.
During the regular meeting of the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors Nov. 1, White gave a quarterly update on efforts he’s made to assist local veterans.
“A total of 59 people came to my office for interviews in the last quarter and filled out 43 forms for VA. I talked to 21 people during Junction Days, and I talked to 18 people during the Montgomery County Fair,” White said.
Additionally, White said he’s been using his free time to catch up on various trainings.
“I did my National Association of County Veterans Service Officers training, My Veterans Affairs Personal Identity Verification card training, and attended the Iowa Association of County Commissioners and Veteran Service Officers fall school. I spent a total of 11 days in class, either virtually or in person,” explained White. “That means I’m now accredited with the VA, and I’m cross-accreditated with Disabled American Veterans and the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs. I’m waiting on my cross accreditation with the American Legion. That will allow me to streamline how I turn in paperwork to the VA, by being able to sign for these other organizations.”
Additionally, White has become an official member of the NACVSO, and is now a member of the National Association of Counties veterans and military service committee. White attributes the increase in traffic to his office to the passing of the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022.
“It opens up the abilities for veterans who have been in Vietnam and the Gulf War to file claims for their respiratory issues, or skin issues, because they were exposed to the burn pits or Agent Orange,” White advised.
According to the Veteran’s Affairs 2021 geographic distribution of VA expenditures, White said 775 veterans in Montgomery County received a total of $8,011,000 in funding, a total of $3,730,000 in compensation and pension, $4,143,000 in medical funding, and $138,000 in education and insurance.