Possible June completion for Eastern Avenue road project

tern Avenue.
At the regular Red Oak City Council meeting May 15, the council was given a project update by Red Oak Street Superintendent Chris Baird. Earlier in the project, Baird said residents along the street were given notice of a complete closure. Baird clarified that letter did not come from the City of Red Oak.
“We sent out a new letter this past weekend, that was approved by the city. The last letter was not. That didn’t go over very well with us, and the citizens were concerned as well, Baird said. “We had a meeting at city hall and it was made clear that this won’t happen again, and nothing will go out without us approving it beforehand.”
Baird said the project will be progressing heavily beginning either May 19 or May 22.
“On one of those two days, they’re going to start removing part of the street. The contractors will start from the south, move up to Birchwood Drive, and remove that part. They’ve guaranteed us that whatever day they begin, we’ll be given 48 hours notice,” commented Baird. “They’re going to remove the other part of the street from Forest Avenue north. That’s when they’ll get the water services done. There are a few left on the west side of the street. Once those are completed, everyone will be hooked up to the new water main. They’ve been  running pretty much on schedule on that portion of the project.”
Following that, Baird said contractors will be putting lines on both side of the street, and compacting the subgrade.
“They’ve had a little trouble with that portion of the project. The soil did not go back in very well on the water mains, so they are going to remove a portion and pack that back in, and add a rock sub base,” Baird stated.
If all goes well, Baird said the road may be reopened to some traffic in early June.
“The plan is to re-open the street sometime after it’s poured in the first week of June, depending on weather. That’s what they’ve told us they’re trying for as of this week. We’ll see how the weather impacts that timeline. Also, when they do that, it will be local traffic only, and people will have to park on the street because they’ll still have to pour out the concrete for the driveway approaches,” advised Baird.


The Red Oak Express

2012 Commerce Drive
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Red Oak, IA 51566
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