Mayor Announces Retirements and Calls Special Public Meeting
Today Mayor Shawnna Silvius received two letters of retirement from Red Oak City Administrator, Brad Wright, and City Clerk, Mary Bolton. She received these letters in her mailbox at the Red Oak City Hall. Silvius is sharing these letters with the media per request. Silvius looks forward to moving forward together with the council, department heads and staff; and working directly with the council to establish a plan of action, timeline and delegation of tasks to immediately begin the search to fill these positions while maintaining proficient business operations. Silvius states, “This is a great time to start fresh and focus on moving the community forward with positive momentum.” Mayor Silvius has called a Special Meeting of the Red Oak City Council to be held Tuesday, November 15 at 3:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Fire Station located at 1904 North Broadway Street, Red Oak, Iowa to discuss how the Council will proceed moving forward. This meeting is open to the public. The Special Meeting Agenda will be published Monday morning.