Lewis hired as SWITCH Director/Career Coach at East Mills

Southwest Iowa Technical Career Hub (SWITCH), the career and technical education (CTE) center that will be located in Hastings, has a new director, Kattie Lewis. She will also serve as a career coach for Iowa Western Community College (IWCC).
Tim Hood, East Mills Superintendent, said, “East Mills is excited to hire Kattie Lewis as the SWITCH Director/Career Coach. This is a joint venture with IWCC, Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates (iJAG), Avenue Scholars, local businesses, and local school districts. We have made a commitment to not only East Mills Community School District and area school districts but also this entire area of southwest Iowa to help grow our next generation of employees. This will allow high school students and adult learners to hone their skills for a career. It is a great day for southwest Iowa.”
Dr. Dan Kinney, President of IWCC, added, “Iowa Western is excited to partner with the SWITCH, SWITCH Board of Directors, and East Mills School District Board of Directors to bring additional education opportunities to southwest Iowa. Iowa Western will focus our educational classes towards the career and technical area to support and grow jobs in the area. We will focus on not only high school students, but also adult learners.”
Kattie Lewis grew up on farms near Wales and Emerson, she graduated from Nishna Valley High School and now farms with her husband near Emerson and Hastings. Her career path is varied, ranging from a radiologic technologist, educator, student advisor, and most recently, a director for a community college.
She says, “I have a passion for education, southwest Iowa, and CTE programming that will enhance and positively impact the economic growth in southwest Iowa and in turn globally. I look forward to the opportunity to serve southwest Iowa as the SWITCH Director/Career Coach.”
SWITCH was a project promised to the voters of the East Mills School District during the $22 million bond vote in 2021 for the construction of a singular school site in Malvern.
The center will bring technical education pathways to high school students in the region at the East Mills Elementary building. Meagan Schnoor, East Mills parent and president of the SWITCH Advisory Board, said, “SWITCH is positioned to be the premier technical learning community in Mills County. We believe Kattie has the knowledge and the personality to make this a successful center. She will elevate our school district.” Jay Burdic, Malvern Bank president and vice president of the SWITCH Advisory Board agreed, “With Kattie’s lifelong ties to the district, I have no doubts that her leadership skills and attention to detail will be a driving force in unifying the district to ensure that SWITCH will be the model for which all future career and technical education centers are judged.”