ELAP deadline approaches
DES MOINES — John R. Whitaker, State Executive Director for the Iowa Farm Service Agency, reminds producers sign up for the 2011 livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish losses ends on Jan. 30, 2012, under the Farm Service Agency’s Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP). In addition to submitting a notice of loss, producers must file an application for payment by this date.
“With the number and variety of adverse weather conditions in Iowa this year, we want all eligible producers to be aware of this deadline,’ added Whitaker.
ELAP provides compensation to eligible producers of livestock, honey bees and farm-raised fish for losses due to disease, adverse weather, or other loss conditions, including losses caused by blizzards and wildfires. ELAP is for losses that are not covered by Livestock Indemnity Program, Livestock Forage Disaster Program, or Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program .
Producers may receive assistance for losses between Jan. 1, 2008 and Oct. 1, 2011, during the calendar year in which the loss occurs. Eligible losses include feed losses, physical losses and additional costs incurred in providing feed to eligible livestock.
Contact your local FSA office for more information.