Call to register: Deadline to support Red Oak’s Blue Zone application approaches
RED OAK — Less than two weeks remain for Red Oak residents to register their support for the community’s ongoing efforts to secure a Blue Zone designation.
Red Oak is currently ranked 12th in the state with 23.37 percent of residents pledged to support the project which is a centerpiece of Gov. Terry Branstad’s Healthiest State Initiative. Currently ranked 18th in the nation in terms of health, Branstad has set a goal of the state being ranked No. 1 within five years.
The Blue Zones Project, is a community by community, business by business movement to help Iowans make a lasting difference in their health and well-being.
Ten communities that demonstrate the greatest passion, interest, and ability to bring their community together will receive assistance in developing and implementing a blueprint for making permanent environmental, policy, and social network changes that transition people into healthier behaviors.
Residents age 13 and older can register their support online at or by texting “BZP” to 772937.
Organizer Jean Redel believes there is still some confusion regarding the consequences of registering with the Blue Zones Project.
“Some people think they will have to buy something or be flooded with junk mail,” Redel said. “That isn’t the case. It’s absolutely free. All it means is you support the community’s effort to become a Blue Zone.”
If selected, health, exercise and diet experts will come to the communities to conduct seminars on items such as gardening and cooking classes as well as forming programs such as walking teams and Blue Zone employer certification. City policies will also be reviewed and recommendations made to improve the community's environment.