Board hears proposals for long-range plans
k a step towards selecting a firm for a new facilities assessment, as well as long-range planning proposals.
k a step towards selecting a firm for a new facilities assessment, as well as long-range planning proposals.
bolt Insurance Solutions Inc.
A few animals from the Blank Park Zoo visited the Red Oak Library Wednesday, June 8 as part of a free summer program.
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has signed into law a bill that will revamp the state’s can and bottle deposit law.
Recently, the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) Board approved awards for six Iowa companies, which will assist in the creation of 640 jobs and result in nearly $265 million in new capital
Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate Michael Franken will be hosting
Meet and Greets on June 25 in southwest Iowa. In Red Oak, he will be
Tess Nelson
The Red Oak Express
Nick Johansen
The Red Oak Express
Although it’s impossible to create a perfectly wonderful day, caregivers for those with dementia can create perfectly wonderful moments for those with memory loss.
2012 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 377
Red Oak, IA 51566
Phone: 712-623-2566 Fax: 712-623-2568